Alcohol Poisoning

Alcohol poisoning- Binge Drinking is Extremely Dangerous

20/11/2012 11:58

There is nothing unusual if you are faced with troubles that arise due to alcohol poisoning. It can be anyone who gets affected with this situation it might from your family or your guest or any unknown person. What you need to know is all the prevention and first aid you can use to help a person in such a situation.

Acute alcohol intoxication- precautions:

When someone is faced with the problem of alcohol poisoning the first thing people do is practice home remedies. Not only it can be ineffective but can also be lethal at times. So keep following things in mind in such a situation:

  • Black coffee, do not provide black coffee to the person under the effect of alcohol poisoning it can make situation worse.
  • Do not put the person under cold shower, the impact of cold water can make the person unconscious.
  • Try to keep the person conscious and rush for help. If the person is unconscious do not leave him alone.
  • Call the doctor as soon as possible. By the time keep the affected person under check.

Sometimes situation may not be so acute and can be solved easily. Like in situations of mild seizures and vomiting, in such situations rest the person in a comfortable position and avoid giving him any kind of drink or item to eat. It will be better if the person vomits it will remove the excess alcohol from the stomach providing relief.

Anyone of us can face such a situation it is always advisable to know a little bit on such issues. You can get information on this through online sites like “Alcoholking”.